About us


We look forward to your feedback. Here you can find out the best way to contact us and how to communicate with other members of the community

How to reach yippy?

  • Is there a technical problem?
  • Would you like to make a suggestion?
  • Do you have a request for the editorial team?

Then take a look at our help center and get in touch with us! Use the form under Contact us.

Do you have questions about yippy?

Would you like to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the newsletter?

To subscribe to the newsletter, enter your e-mail address in the registration box on the newsletter page and click on “Subscribe”. You will then receive a confirmation message in your mailbox. To complete the registration, please confirm the subscription via the link in the message. To unsubscribe, click on “Unsubscribe newsletter” at the end of the opened newsletter.

Not receiving a confirmation message for the newsletter?

First check whether it is the correct e-mail address and that no spelling mistake has crept in. The message may have ended up in your spam or junk folder. In this case, you can manually classify the sender address newsletter@yippy.green as harmless in your program. If you still do not receive the newsletter, we will be happy to help you at hi@yippy.team.

Have you noticed an error or technical problems?

Please contact us at hallo@yippy.team, stating the link to the page in question and, if applicable, the paragraph. We would be pleased to receive a screenshot in the attachment. Please note, however, that we only accept .pdf, .jpg, .png files.

Do you have feedback for us or an idea for an article?

Is there something that's on your mind that the public should know about? Let us know or send us an e-mail to hi@yippy.team.

For companies, organizations and experts

Do you have a question about the content of our website?

Would you like to have your data updated in the directory? Send an e-mail stating the page(s) to: hi@yippy.team.

Your product or service is recommended? Talk to us about a collab?

Send an e-mail stating the page(s) to: partner@yippy.team

Would you like to find out about the award of our seal?

Send an e-mail with a telephone number to: partner@yippy.team - The responsible contact person will get back to you.


The “yippies” for your topics